Some colors that are expected to be popular for clothing in 2025 include:
Ethereal blues and greens: Soothing and refreshing colors that range from teal to sky blue
Yellow: A bright and cheerful color that evokes happiness, optimism, and energy
Chocolate brown: A warm and comforting color that exudes luxury and elegance
Retro blue: A color that can help us feel grounded and secure, as well as connected to our roots and traditions
Muted red: A more serious shade of red than terra-cotta, but not as predictable as red
Cherry lacquer: A luxurious hue that embodies a rebellious appeal
Tomato cream: A nourishing toasty hue that warms the soul
Scarlet smile: A glamorous and decadent red that captures our desire
Golden palm: A new expression of eco color both surprising and familiar
Aventurine: A mineral based tone imbued with a hidden richness
Violet: A rich, saturated jewel tone